Thursday, August 7, 2014

Intro To Beast Trojan

Intro To Beast Trojan
Beast is a Windows-based backdoor Trojan horse, more commonly known in the underground cracker community as a RAT (Remote Administration Tool). It is capable of infecting almost all 

Windows versions i.e. 95 through XP. Written in Delphi and Released first by its author Tat aye in 2002, it became quite popular due to its unique features. It used the typical client/server mechanism where the client would be under operation by the attacker and the server is what would infect the victim. Beast was one of the first trojans to feature a 'reverse connection' to its victims and once established, it gave the attacker complete control over the infected computer. Hacks can be performed through Beast Trojan
1. You can see victim‘s webcam remotely.
2. You can see all running processes.
3. All passwords can be viewed.
4. The Best, you can see victims screen live.

Bishal obroys Suggestion:-“Best ever trojen incurred bu secrewings, almost anything can be done with this trojen.But first you must have basic knowledge of ports.”


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